Margaret Sullivan's comment is on target. The media and some would-be pundits are distracting the public from the real issues at stake. Is "age" really the ultimate question for deciding who to vote for?

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Yes, I agree, she is spot on. I'd hate to see a repeat of the email coverage. Thanks for reading!

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Old is not forward thinking, innovative or curious. It’s more about status quo than exploring new ideas and approaches to meeting our challenges. Many of our politicians are “old” in their defensiveness, hubris and how they view the world. We are not well served by them.

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For a moment there, I thought you meant Margaret Sullavan, my father's first wife!! But I know you're too smart for that, and your excellent column shows it!

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Hahaha! Thanks, Cathy!

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Wow! More poison and from a journalist? Yeah, we know their ages, crammed down our throats. How about reviewing accomplishments at the same pace age is reviewed!! Thanks, I'll hopefully hang in there.

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